There You'll Be
By Angela Black
A/N- This is story i wrote at a spur of the moment for a fan fic contest, its sorta not realistic, you know how people are speculating that Rose is going to leave after season 6? well there was this challenge on how they would have Rose/Paige leave the show, and have it still going on...this would have a lot of drama if the deadline for the challenge wasn’t this day cause i had forgotten all about it...
For those who know me, know how hard it is for me to hurt my fav character…this is a once and never again fic lol….i just wrote it to see how my imagination would run wild. This is a rushed story because it’s a one part.
Disclaimer- I don’t own them blah blah blah
Title- There You’ll be
Piper is not pregnant in this one.
Piper- 30
Phoebe- 28
Paige 26
It was calm in the manor. The demon activity was low, money was not a problem, and their love lives stable. It seems that everything was normal for a change...or at least as normal as it can get. All the girls were around the house doing their normal morning routine. Phoebe was running around trying to get ready cause she was late, Piper was relaxing in the conservatory cause this was her day off, and Paige was just sitting with her. Soon enough Phoebe's voice resounded through the manor.
Phoebe yelled from the top of the steps.
Piper asked annoyed.
I borrow your red sweater?" there was a pause.
Piper answered.
Phoebe whined "I'm already late...please?" again, another
but if you get anything on it, I'll blast your Wiccan butt, and then you
will clean the sweater"
"Yeah ok Piper" Phoebe responded not to worried. Piper then turned to face Paige. "She thinks I'm kidding?" Piper asked, but it was more of a statement.
sure does" Paige nodded. Piper then got up and trucked after
Phoebe, while Paige was left there by herself. Suddenly the doorbell
get it!" Paige yelled as she got up to answer it. She opened the
door and their stood a little girl, about the age of 11 or 12. She was
fairly thin, like she hadn't eaten in days. Her clothes were dirty and
stained, her smell wasn’t pleasant, but it was tolerable. Most of all
she looked frightened, she was constantly looking over her shoulder.
I help you?" Paige asked.
"Are you Paige Matthews?" The girl asked.
"Yeah, do I know you?" she asked confused. The girls face lit up, for a moment it seemed that she was not scared anymore, but that lasted only a moment.
I please come in?" Paige was hesitant at first, but then felt
sympathy for the girl, and let her in. Piper and Phoebe came down the
stairs to see who was at the door.
your little friend Paige?" Phoebe asked.
what I'm bout' to find out, who are you?"
your daughter, Savannah Lynn" Paige stood their frozen; Piper and
Phoebe had their jaws dropped in surprise and shock.
how??" Paige asked.
"You had given me up for adoption, and my parents...well let’s not get into that. I am 11 now, and on my birth certificate it didn't state who my father was, but it had your name, so I came looking for you" Savannah answered.
Piper and Phoebe just couldn't say a word, but Piper finally spoke up.
"Uh...Paige? Could you um explain why this girl is at our door claiming to be your daughter?"
"Because she is, I remember those eyes...I can never forget her
beautiful eyes..." Paige trailed off as she gently touched her
Savannahs face.. She noticed how everyone was still at the door, and
said. "Lets go site down in the living room" she ushered
everyone into the living room. Piper and Phoebe were on the opposite
couch, and Savannah was on the same couch as Paige. After everyone was
settled she spoke up.
"Piper, Phoebe, There are parts of my life that I left out...well
more like neglected to tell you" She waited for a response, when
she didn't get one, she just kept going. "When I was 14, I was
walking home late on night, it was past my curfew. It was like 12 or 1
am, I was a block from my house when I felt someone grab me, I was
dragged behind this shed-like house...and I was raped. They never found
the person who did it." She paused because old feelings were
starting to resurface, and it was beginning to take a toll on
her...again. Tears began to form on Paige's Face. Piper walked over to
her couch, and embraced her in a hug, she whispered in her ear "Its
ok sweetie, go on" Paige nodded and continued. Piper stayed by her
side, and kept her in a reassuring half hug. "A couple months
later, I found out I was pregnant...and surprisingly she was born on my
birthday, August 7th"
turned toward her daughter. "I need you to know that I did not
abandon you. I wanted you so bad, I really did. I did not have the
money, or the resources to take care of you. My adoptive father, refused
to help me take care of you if I choose to keep you. I didn't want my
daughter to be hungry, or not have a shelter over her own head. I did it
so you could have a good life. I never forgot about you...I always had a
feeling that we would meet up one day. I love you; I always have...ever
since I held you in my arms, and I knew I couldn’t stop loving you,
even if I tried. When my parents took you away, I cried...for days I
cried, but I learned to move on and I was comforted by the thought that
you were with good parents, and in a loving environment" Paige
finished, and looked in her daughters eyes to see her reaction. She did
not see hate and resentment as she studied her daughters face, instead
she saw curiosity and sympathy...and even a little love.
Savannah just stared at her, then suddenly jumped up and engulfed Paige in a bear hug. Paige was surprised but return the hug. She kissed the top of Savannah's head. She picked her up and placed her on her lap, she noticed how light she was, but she decided to let it go for the time being. Phoebe then came over and sat next to Paige. Piper was on the other side of Paige, with Savannah in the middle. Can u say Kodak moment?
is something else you need to know about yourself..." Paige
started, but Savannah interrupted.
know that I'm a witch, I have known for 3 years now"
Phoebe asked finally speaking up.
I may ask, who are you 2?" Savannah asked. Before Piper could
answer Paige spoke up.
are my sisters, see I was adopted too, I was given up by our mom, and I
just recently found them" Savannah nodded. "So your um, My
I guess so kiddo,” Piper answered. Savannah just smiled.
found out when I was at home, and I saw a rat, and I jumped out my seat,
then I saw that it was frozen. At first I was freaked out but I read up
on it, and realized that I had a power. I also have astral projection,
and I can transport from place to place in bright blue lights, but I
don’t know what that is called, nothing like that was in one of my
called orbing" Phoebe chimed in. "Before we go any further, I
say we get you cleaned up, where did you come from?"
San Francisco"
"Ok, Lets go upstairs so we can get you in some clean clothes" Phoebe suggested. "I think we still have some clothes from when we were little still stashed somewhere" Savannah smiled and took Phoebe's hand; Phoebe was then jolted into a premonition.
was in some kind of house. It really didn't look like one, it was so
dirty and unclean that not even dogs would want to live in it. Savannah
was sitting on her desk and some man walked in. Phoebe assumed him to be
her adoptive father. He started yelling at her, Savannah looked
terrified. She got up from her seat and backed up into a wall, she was
trapped. She tried to freeze him, but it didn’t work, and she couldn't
astral. She was too terrified to do anything but stand there. The man
raised his fist and started punching her repeatedly. She fell to the
floor and then he started to kick her in the stomach unmercifully. She
kept fighting, and He finally took a knife from his pocket and attempted
to stab her, but she kept moving and all he could do was make a large
gash on her right arm. He then left the room with a grin on his face.
it flashed to Savannah sneaking into her parent’s room to get what
looked like a birth certificate. It then flashed to her looking in a
phone book for Paige Matthews. The address of the manor showed up and
then it flashed to her walking up to the manor doors. As sudden as the
premonition came, it ended.
Phoebe opened her eyes and immediately pulled up Savannah's right arm sleeve, and behold the gash was there.
Phoebe stammered.
"What Phoebe? What did you see?" Paige asked. "What happened to your arm sweetie?"
Savannah just looked down in shame. Phoebe had no chance to answer as a demon shimmered behind her.
"Phoebe!" Piper yelled. Phoebe levitated up and the demon missed his mark. Savannah realized she needed to help so she astral projected to another part of the room.
butthead! over here!" Savannah taunted. The demon shimmered over to
her and pulled out a knife about the stab her, she quickly astraled back
into her body. The demon, which looked utterly confused soon realized
what she did.
will pay witch!" He snarled, he then shimmered over to her. Again,
he pulled out his knife, but this time he had her under his spell. She
could not do anything, she made the mistake of looking in his eyes, and
she was frozen literally. Piper was trying to freeze him and blow him
up, but he kept advancing on him. He held the knife above her head and
was about to strike.
you touch her!" Paige yelled as she orbed in front of Savannah. He
didn't hear her and continued with the knife. As soon as Paige
materialized in front of her daughter, she no time to react and the
knife hit her straight in the heart. Paige fell to the ground with the
knife protruding from her chest.
"Leo! Leo!" Piper yelled. She was so angry, you could just barely see steam coming out her ears. Piper gathered up all that anger into her exploding power.
"You Asshole!" She screamed, the demon let out a yelp and exploded into nothingness. Phoebe and Piper ran to Paige's side. Savannah was already there, she had taken the knife out of her mother chest. She looked at them with tears in her eyes, and only said 2 words.
gone" Those words hit them like a ton of bricks, Phoebe burst out
in a flow of tears, but Piper was determined to prove them wrong.
"No She's not dead! LEO! LEO!" She kept calling him for 5 minutes, then finally gave up. She realized her sister was gone, and not coming back. She broke down, it was like losing Prue all over again. She couldn’t stand the pain, she curled up in a ball and cried uncontrollably. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Leo orb in. She sprang up.
"Where the hell were you? Paige is dead because you didn't come!" Piper screamed at him. She started to beat on his chest in anger while yelling “Its all your fault…its all your fault” He grabbed her and held her close. "Shh this was meant to happen, you could not have stopped it. The elders took away my powers so I could not come down to save her." Piper finally calmed down and just let him hold her.
Meanwhile Phoebe and Savannah were by Paige's body. Phoebe was crying her eyes out next to her, While Savannah was just staring at her, and she bent down to Paige's ear and whispered in her ear as if she could hear her.
love you mom, even though I only meet you for a little time. You will
always be in my heart...forever" Savannah kissed Paige’s head,
and then walked over to Phoebe who opened her arms to welcome her. All 4
of them stayed like this for a while just mourning the death of their
fallen sister...and mother.
turns out Savannah was being abused by her adoptive parents, Phoebe and
Piper gained custody of her, being that they are her biological aunts.
They were informed that Savannah was there to reconstitute the Charmed
Ones, for a second time. The Elders had told them that Paige's destiny
was fulfilled and that she was with Prue, and that they had nothing to
worry about. That still did not stop them from grieving.
The Funeral came and went. So many people showed up, it was touching. Savannah was there too, mourning the mother she only met once. They had an open coffin funeral, everyone walked up and paid their respects. Piper was the last one to walk up, she looked at her baby sister. She looked so peaceful in that coffin. She then started to speak to her, as if she was still alive.
"I know I never said this, when you were alive...but I do love you, I love you so much” Piper’s lip started to quiver. “This isn't good bye Paige, its more of a see ya later" What Piper didn’t know was that Phoebe came up behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist.
See ya later kiddo" Phoebe finished. Piper and Phoebe then walked
out of the building, with Savannah at their side. They got into the Limo
and headed home. The driver had turned the radio on and the first song
that came up was Faith Hill 'There you'll be'...little did they know how
the song would be so fitting to their moods.
When I think back
On these times
And the dreams
We left behind
I'll be glad 'cause
I was blessed to get
To have you in my life
When I look back
On these days
I'll look and see your face
were right there for me
In my dreams
I'll always see your soul
Above the sky
In my heart
There always be a place
For you for all my life
I'll keep a part
Of you with me
And everywhere I am
you'll be
Well you showed me
How it feels
To feel the sky
Within my reach
And I always
Will remember all
The strength you
Gave to me
Your love made me
Make it through
Oh, I owe so much to you
were right there for me
{Repeat chorus}
'Cause I always saw in you
My light, my strength
And I want to thank you
Now for all the ways
You were right there for me
You were right there for me
song touched their hearts, and gave them the strength to move on with
their lives. It described Paige so well…she was their light, and their
strength. They regret to this day that they never told her how much she
meant to them. That guilt will stay in their heart forever, but so will
Paige’s spirit. It will live in them day in, and day out, keeping them
strong, and giving them the courage to move on. Everywhere they
are…she will be.
Savannah grew older, her aunts made sure she would never forget who her
mother was, and never failed to mention who her other aunt was as well.
She lived a wonderful life with her aunts, the house was always full of
unconditional love. Piper and Leo had twins, two girls, named Paige and
Prudence in memory of their sisters, and Phoebe is happily married a
handsome man named Tom Cult.
finally made it to her high school graduation. The night before she
graduated She was sitting front of her vanity mirror when she felt this
presence behind her, she turned around and assumed a fighting stance.
She saw who it was and froze. She could not believe her eyes, right in
front of her was her mother. Tears started to fall in her eyes. She ran
over to her, and embraced her in a big hug.
I'm so happy your here" Savannah squealed. "Me too Honey, me
too" Piper and Phoebe came into the room hearing all the commotion.
They saw Savannah hugging this woman, they looked in closer and realized
who she was. They ran to her and smothered her with hugs and kisses.
Then another presence entered the room.
"Can the other dead sister get some love?" Piper and Phoebe turned around and saw Prue with her arms open to them. They ran into her arms. Paige and Savannah joined too, they were all in one big group hug. No words were exchanged and none were needed, the whole family was there, and that’s all that mattered.
a couple minutes, Prue broke from the hug.
need to go now, They only sent us to see you all because, first off it
was my nieces graduation, and second you all have learned to move on
with your lives after our deaths" Paige nodded in agreement. They
all had looks of understanding. Savannah looked at her mom and gave her
one last hug
"Baby, I am so proud of you, you have gotten this far. I am so sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me, but my spirit was with you, every step of the way"
"I know that Mom, I always felt you in my heart, even before I met you" Paige smiled. She stepped away and joined hands with Prue. They then disappeared in white bright light. As they disappeared you could hear a faint whisper in the wind...
“We Love you..."
Savannah went to her graduation with a new attitude. She had graduated Valedictorian of her class. Her speech was focused around her mom, and how her spirit helped her threw high school. Her aunts and uncle were all tears by the time the speech was over, they couldn’t be any prouder.
She then went on graduate from UCLA at the top of her class. She now lives in San Francisco a couple blocks from the manor, with a family of her own...with her mother’s spirit guiding her the whole way.